In a recent posting to the website Voice 4 America accusations made by former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich concerning the recent attacks on U.S. Embassies in Libya and Egypt were brought to my attention. Gingrich proposes that President Obama refuses to pronounce these actions as acts of war and merely names them "acts of senseless violence". I can't argue that these attacks were not awful, and that they were or were not acts of war, but I believe that Gingrich's idea that due to Obama's extreme left view of the world he is impeded in his decisions to claim these as acts of war. I believe that due to the current situation, and the fact that we have been a country at war for over 10 years, as hard as that is to believe coming from life at The University of Kentucky, we have to pick and choose what is necessary to take action against. I am a firm believer that we wouldn't be in the situation as a country that we are in if we had not rushed off to war in the first place, and as the website claims Gingrich "banging the drums of war" reminds me a lot of where we were 10 years ago. I do not think that Obama's decision to not act against these attacks is not a result of his "extreme leftview" but merely a president in an election year critically thinking the actions that he makes and their repercussions, which is something that may have been helpful in our last president.
Here is the website: file:///Users/appleowner/Desktop/gingrich-opinion-act-of-war-not-senseless-violence.html
Normally, when we say act of war, that means actions by foreign governments. When an action is not sanctioned by a foreign government, can it be an act of war. If it can, who would this war be against? How would one go about prosecuting such a war? Very interesting, but again, don't forget this is about visual side of politics.