I recently read an article having to do with a devastating email sent out to the employees of David Siegel, which strongly urged them to take into consideration the consequences the company would have befall it if Barrack Obama was re-elected this November. His email included the following: "The economy doesn’t currently pose a threat to your job. What does
threaten your job however, is another 4 years of the same Presidential
administration. If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current
President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this
company.” He doesn't condone Mitt Romney in the email anywhere, but the intent of the message is clear, which is to force his workers into voting for the republican candidate. One of the main differences between the platforms this election is which economical group is going to be taxed more heavily in order to alleviate the debt that this country has built up. Obama's campaign would focus this higher taxes on large corporations as opposed to the middle class, which he has said is the back bone of the country, it has been proven in the past that if the middle class flourishes so does the country. By taxing the higher income groups the middle class could stuff flourish and the debt would be decreased, sounds like a pretty sounds plan to me. Clearly this idea doesn't sit well with CEO David Siegel, his intention to force his employees into voting for his candidate is clear whether he wants it to seem so or not. I think it is astounding that someone, who names himself responsible for the jobs and welfare of his employees could think this gives him the right to voice his opinions to the extent in which he did so. This is America, the country of free speech and the freedom to choose the political candidate that you feel is going to make the best choices for your nation. While Mr. Siegel may have had the right to voice this opinion, I don't think bullying your employees into voting is the way to go about swinging votes in your direction.
The article can be found here: http://voice4america.com/paulbrown/2012/10/10/ceo-employees.html
Good entry but include some images. That's the joy of Blogging - we can be visual!