Surely nobody on the Romney/Ryan campaign team would have been proud of this Ohio rally attendant's choice in attire, and I'm sure it isn't a piece of clothing that they have endorsed, but I am still absolutely appalled by this image. one would hope that in this day in age the merit of a political official would be based upon the good or bad deeds he or she has accomplished while in office, and not by the color of their skin. I don't care which political party you affiliate yourself with, a joke this offensive should be appalling to anyone. If you don';t like the current president that is your own opinion, and as an American we are all entitled to our own opinions, but we didn't have the civil rights movement as a joke, and the color of our president's skin, something which should be celebrated, shouldn't become a joke either.
Good point, but consider this. We celebrate Pres. Obama as the first Black President. Some people clearly see that as unacceptable. As much as we would like to think that racism belongs in the past (that's precisely what some conservative pundits have been arguing in order to attack affirmative action programs), the fact that he was elected does not mean that we have become a color-blind society. Sad but true.